June 21, 2017,Posted by: H

You Stink

You Stink, We All Stink. So what can we do about it?

Summer's here, weather's warming up and we love the outdoors. Well, this adds stink to the mix.
Well, we all do. We all stink.
So, what can we do about it?
We love to wear those synthetic material clothes, these are beautiful, designer and look great in those hundreds and thousands of pictures we take all over. All those beautiful pictures in pretty clothes, on the beach, gardens, picnics, shows and B-B-Q's.

You Stink, We All Stink. We all sweat!

So, here's the problem. We all perspire, sweat, some more so than others. Since this perspiration is the excretion of waste and toxins from the body, it has a foul smell. Some dermatologists mention that sweat itself does not have any odor, but the breakdown of the body bacteria in the region causes the foul smell.
Some of us again, smell worse than others. To add to the problem, most of these beautiful dresses, shirts, blouses, are not breathable, which causes more sweating.
You Stink, We All Stink. We all sweat! There are many ways which can help minimize the odor and sometime the generation of sweat itself.

You Stink, We All Stink. So what can we do about it?

Understand the difference between a deodorant and an anti-perspirant. A deodorant is designed to minimize the foul smell of the sweat by killing the bacteria. An anti-perspirant block the sweat glands to reduce the amount of sweat itself. In most cases, a deodorant is best as it does not block the glands and allows “breathing”.
Invest in good quality deodorants. Try the branded ones that do not leave any residue and have a transparent stick or try a spray option. The deodorant does not have to anti-perspirant if you are worried about clogging your sweat glands. You Stink, We All Stink. So, what can we do about it?
Remove hair from your armpits... this hair is one of the biggest culprits. Clean shaven underarms, armpits minimize the collection of bacteria and sweat. This is true for any gender. Hair helps accumulate dirt and oil which may cause the growth and concentration of the bacteria and secretions.
Try to stay away from those synthetic materials no matter how flowy and pretty they are. They do trap the moisture. Rather wear light weight cotton or any natural material which is breathable.
Daily or multiple showers a day with soap, water and fresh “breathable” clothes go a long way to minimize body odor.

You Stink, We All Stink. So what can we do about it?

Some foods like onion, garlic, curry may add to the strong pungent smell from the pores long after you’ve consumed these foods. It’s not just the breath but the secretion that is affected by these types of foods.
Then there’s stress levels that cause all sorts of problems. Yoga, meditation etc. will surely help if not for body odor, at least for the mind and other body functions!

Your problem still not solved?

Consult your dermatologist for advice on medical treatment or procedure for your problem of extreme body odor. Your doctor may suggest a prescription antiperspirant that works for you without irritating your skin. Your doctor may even suggest taking extreme measures like Botulinum toxin type A injections treatment.

- H.

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